Club Rules

Welcome to Treasure Valley Trials (TVT)! We’re happy to have you join us. Please become familiar with our club bylaws and competition rules.


Treasure Valley Trials seeks to promote the sport of motorcycle trials riding and to provide a fun, family oriented environment. To host competition observed trial events for men, women and children of all ages and skill levels, along with fun non-competitive events and rider skills training.

2025 Fee Schedule 

Annual Membership Single - $25

Annual Membership Family - $40

*Club memberships run from January 1st – December 31st each calendar year

Club Officers

TVT is solely run by volunteers including each officer position. Those who volunteer or accept a nomination fill positions. Active members vote each position into office for a one-year term. Board positions are as follows:



Sergeant of Arms/Risk Management Officer



Club Meetings

Membership club meetings will be the second Tuesday of each month or as called at the discretion of the club officers. The purpose of club meetings is to share information on upcoming events, workdays, membership and general club information. The treasurer will also provide a report to membership to include any profit/loss statements and use of funds for club interests. Voting may be called and approved by membership to direct use of funds. 








Champ – may not be at each event

Open – non-trophy class

Vintage: The vintage class rides the Sportsman line

* Some events may offer an Open class. The Open class does not award trophies and allows the rider to choose whichever line they want to run in each section. The rider chooses to ride for fun only and not to be scored in a trophy class.


1. Riding gear must include at a minimum a helmet to be wore at all times while riding and protective boots

2. No pre-riding of set sections. If caught riding a set section the rider is disqualified from being

scored in the event

3. Each scored event will run 3 loops with each loop containing 7-10 sections

4. Some sections may be set for higher classes only and some set for lower classes only. This will be announced at the riders meeting

5. One rider at a time may ride a section and only enter once the section observer has called them

6. Section observers announce the next rider by holding a closed fist in the air and calling “Rider”

7. The rider must announce to the observer which class line they are riding before leaving the start gate unless the class is on the front plate

8. All riders walking the section must step out of the ribbon when a new rider is called

9. Do not argue with the section checkers. Any scoring protests must be brought to the trials master for that event

10. The rider with the least amount of points at the end of the 3 loops wins the class

11. Trophies will be awarded to the top 5 finishers in each class except Open

12. A rider may choose to compete in any class that he or she is qualified for, however, the trials master for the event may disqualify any rider that is riding an unsafe class for his or her skill level


Fault Definitions: 1-3 POINTS

1. Footing or Dabbing: Any contact providing support between any part of the Rider’s body or

motorcycle (exceptions: tires, foot pegs, or skid plate) with the ground or an obstacle (tree, rock,

etc.). Note that ‘toe dabs’ will be counted as footing: 1-3 points, no more than 3

2. Foot rotation on the ground: 1 point

3. Sliding a foot: 3 points

4. Both feet placed on the ground simultaneously, one on each side of the bike: 2 points

Failure Definitions: 5 POINTS

1. The motorcycle moving backwards, with or without the Rider footing. This includes crossing your line with both tires

2. Any displacement, breaking, or knocking down of markers by direct contact of the motorcycle or rider requiring that the marker be reset to its original position is a failure. Touching a boundary is not a failure

3. The rider dismounts from the motorcycle and has both feet on the ground on the same side of the motorcycle, or if both the rider’s legs are behind the motorcycle’s rear tire with both feet on the ground

4. The rider does not have both hands on the handlebar when footing while stationary

5. The rider receives deliberate outside assistance

6. The rider changes the condition of a Section while not riding the Section

7. The rider begins a Section attempt without the Observer’s acknowledgment. The Observer shall

show a raised, balled fist and announce “Rider” in a loud voice to authorize a Rider to start riding

the Section

8. The engine stops while footing or while any other part of the motorcycle, except for the tires, is

used for support, without forward motion. The motorcycle must be moving forward while footing

with a dead engine to avoid a 5-point score

9. The handlebar touches the ground and the motorcycle is more than 45-degrees from vertical

10. The Rider rides through another class line, gate or split

Event Points are awarded as follows:       

Position Points   

1st     30

2nd    25     

3rd     21

4th    18

5th    16

6th    15   

7th    14              

8th    13

9th    12

10th  11

* Tied scores shall be broken using the following order of determination: 

1. Most cleans wins

2. Most scores of “1” wins

3. Most scores of “2” wins, etc.

* Each rider’s championship score for the year shall be based on the total placement points earned in all events participated for the year.


1. Trial type motorcycle preferably. Dirt bikes may be ridden in certain classes at the discretion of the trials master for each event

2. All bikes must be in safe working order and not have any leaks or loose hanging parts

3. Tires must preferably be a trials tire

4. Both front and rear brakes must be in good working order

5. Clutch must be in working order

6. Both foot pegs must be attached

7. All motorcycles must be equipped with a working kill switch or tether


To qualify for year-end awards, a rider must enter or work in a minimum of 50% of held Club events and be a member in good standing with Treasure Valley Trials.

Year-end class championship trophies will be awarded to the top 3 in each class except Open.

General Rules 

All rules, once instituted, shall remain in effect for a period of one year (12) months from the date of inception. After this period the rule can be changed if: 

• A request is submitted in writing to the TVT board. The request shall state the rule in question and the recommended modification to that rule. 

• The TVT board accepts the rule change. Rule change meetings will be held in October of each year. 


• Every protest shall be presented before the completion of the event. 

• A rider may not protest another rider’s score. 

• Riders may notify checkers or the Trial Organizer that a split gate was missed. A checker is an official and may change a rider’s score up to 30 minutes after the completion of the event. This would be classified as a mistake by the checker, and can be corrected only if the checker agrees on the missed gate. The correct score on a missed gate is a 5. However, a judgment call such as loss of forward motion, dabs, running over a ribbon, etc. may not be changed at a later time 

• Protests shall be presented to the Trials Master who will make the decision with- in one half hour of the completion of the event. 

• Notify the checker politely at the time of the infraction so the checker can make notes or recall the circumstances when talking to the Trials Master at a later time. 

Appeals against the Trials Master’s decision: 

• The appeal must be written and signed by the entrant making the appeal and contain the details of the matter being appealed. 

• $20 filing fee is submitted which is refundable if the appeal is upheld.  AMA sanctioned events are a $50 appeals fee which is refundable if the appeal is upheld.


The Trial Organizer has the right to disqualify anyone at his or her own discretion.  

Practice riding sections: riders cannot practice ride a section before the event or during the event until the back marker closes the section. 

Lost Loop Card 

A lost loop card will result in a score of 5 points for each section in that loop, no matter at which point in the loop the card is lost.

Your Place in Line 

When you pull up to a section and leave your bike you are NOT in line. When you return to your bike, go to the back of the line. Failure to do so may result in a 5 point penalty. 

Riding the Loop 

Loop one must be started on the section designated by the Trials Master for each rider’s class. All loops after loop one must be started on section number one or however the Trials Master designates for that event. Failure to do so may result in an up to 25 point penalty and/or a DNF due to back marking starting at section #1. 

Trial Completion 

A finish, or sweep time will be announced at the Rider’s meeting. It is the Trials Master’s discretion to change to a later time or earlier time if it is beneficial to the riders.

Sweep time is determined by a formula consisting of the length of the course and the number of riders. Be sure to start your last loop before the sweep time to avoid a DNF. Pick up your card as you go out on your last loop, otherwise organizers may be on sweep in front of you. 


Results are official when results are posted online. Appeals may be submitted to the Board for an error of your score. 

Checking or Observing a Section: 

Let the organizer(s) know as soon as you decide to check an event. Often a volunteer signup link will be posted. Please utilize it and enter any notes as this helps the organizers tremendously. It is also a very good idea to let the organizers know of your needs. For example, you don’t have a bike so need something relatively close to the pits, or you would prefer a section in the shade. 

If you have a chance to ride (or walk/hike) the loop and check out sections, you’ll have an opportunity to see the sections and help decide which you would like to check, but it is NOT required. 

Pick up your checker backpack and check contents to ensure you have food and drink, bug spray (if appropriate), at least one loop card punch, extra tape to repair the section if needed, and a current scoring rules sheet. 

Attend the checkers meeting, which typically occurs 15-30 minutes before the riders meeting. The organizer will explain any section which has special circumstances, such as riders are allowed to cross their lines, or that certain class riders don’t ride a particular section. This can happen for two reasons, either a suitable line was not identified for the section, or the loop is too difficult for the class riders to negotiate. The organizers should also tell you which rider groups are starting at which sections, so you have a general idea of how much time you will have to prepare. 

Once you arrive at the section, walk each of the lines and make sure you are clear on the intent of the organizers. If you have any questions, the organizers typically send the course marshal around the loop prior to releasing the riders to answer any questions, and explain any peculiarities. 

Determine the best vantage points for each line. This will be where you will want to observe riders. In most cases, you will need to walk to the end gate to punch the rider’s score, if the end gate is not your vantage point. Some sections require you to move around a little bit. Make sure you have a clear path, remove any branches, pinecones, rocks, etc. that could cause you to stumble. Your focus will likely be on the rider. 

For some sections, the organizers will provide two checkers so that the whole section can be adequately observed. The first checker must ensure the second checker has the score thus far observed so that they may punch the correct score. If in doubt, both checkers should confer. 

Once a rider is at the start gate and ready to go, raise your closed fist (indicating a zero score), ensure you know what line they are riding (front number plate) or ask if necessary, although many will either shout the line or raise the appropriate number of fingers, and shout “Rider, (the appropriate line number) line”. For example “Rider, Intermediate”. The “Rider” declaration notifies other riders who may be walking the section to clear the line. 

In many cases, especially during the first loop, other riders will want to see what their competitors do in the section. Riders may also ask clarifying questions, or confirm the route their line takes. If a rider is balked by someone in the section, you may offer them a re-ride. However, they must take the score of the re-ride, even if it is higher than their original ride. 

Remember the start and stop of the observed score is the front axle in the start gate, and the front axle out of the end gate. 

Spectator Section Protocol:

(Spectator dos and don’ts) 

• Please stand outside the boundaries at any section you are watching. 

• Do not block a section entrance or exit. 

• Make sure that you position yourself so that you won’t interfere with the view of the riders or the section officials who are scoring the riders. Check with a section official if you have any doubts. 

• Please move promptly if asked to do so by a section official. The observer will typically call “Rider” and possibly the line being ridden as the rider begins the section. Riders can also call “Rider” the get someone’s attention so they can get out of the way. 

• Do not disturb any of the section contents or course markings. 

• Please be careful not to knock rocks into a section. If you do, please notify a section official immediately. 

• You may cross a section when it is safe to do so, but please be careful not to alter the section. Watch out for your personal safety. Sections are often slippery. 

• Do not assist a rider in a section unless asked to do so by the rider or a section official. 

• Please applaud or cheer a fine performance in a section but only after the rider has finished. Extend the same courtesy you would at a tennis or golf match while a competitor is concentrating on his performance. 

• Remember the ribbon is a suggestion where riders should go, but do not assume that the riders will stay within the boundaries. Always keep a safe distance between you and the riders. 

Treasure Valley Trials Club Bylaws_2025.pdf
Treasure Valley Trials Club Constitution_2025.pdf